the best bangfor
your buck results
the best bangfor your buck results
Put your Digital Marketing on Autopilot
You’ve honed your marketing messaging and it’s on-point but you want to eliminate the guesswork in finding your target audience and instead put yourself exactly where the people who are looking for your product or service are.
Hold up. Sounds like a dream, right? Ever Googled running shoes or spent time on a website that sold running shoes and then everywhere you look, there are ads following you around trying to sell you running shoes? And darn it, after seeing those ads a few times, you decide gosh, I should probably buy those running shoes. Totally, right? Maybe you don’t like running or shoes but the example works for anything under the sun and it’s damn effective. Why? Because when the very thing your customer is looking for is staring them in the face, click-through rates are bananas.

Enter the magic of Programmatic Display.

Programmatic display is the best way to reach customers interested in your business because based on their behavior online (what they’ve been researching, reading, and clicking on) proves they want what you got and are 30% more likely to take action after seeing a programmatic display ad.

Like stories? Read on ’cause we got a good one. A small landscaping business who specializes in tree removal wanted to target an audience looking for storm damage cleanup during the hurricane season. They were sending flyers via direct mail to home owners in their service area and it always yielded a few phone calls but it was casting a very wide net to a large population that may have needed tree service but not those specifically looking for it. So they started a programmatic display campaign to run during the busiest months of hurricane season, when storm damage is most likely to be an issue for home owners. Boom! Within one week of the campaign running, their ads were getting a 4.0% CTR (the industry average is 0.06 – 0.08%) and converting like crazy. Boom!

The success of programmatic is undeniably the most granular way to reach your ideal customer – and the secret is in the sauce. Because businesses can tap into the power of behavioral, content, and demographic targeting, it works like a charm and runs virtually on autopilot. The ultimate best bang for your buck. Win!

Before we go on, let us introduce ourselves. High Five! Creative is a concierge full-service marketing and creative services company located in Lewes, DE. We are committed to delivering a comprehensive offering of multimedia marketing solutions and design services with a focus on helping small and medium size businesses effectively grow their business – in any way they see fit.